Grow Your Own Bait With a Homemade Worm Chow Recipe!

Grow your own bait with the most effective homemade worm chow recipe I’ve seen to date. It easiest to make these in small batch, and freeze in sandwich-sized freezer bags. This way you have individual servings and you keep the mixture form soiling. If you’re going to make your own bait, You will eventually have to buy feed to the worms up to bait size.

How to grow your own bait: Start with peat moss or well-aged manures. Add the following feed to the bedding:

Homemade Worm Chow Recipe

  • Alfalfa Whole Oat Pellets
  • Timothy Hay Pellets/Cubes
  • Smart Beets
  • Wild Bird Seed
  • Chicken Egg Laying Mash
  • Sweet Horse Feed
  • Cracked Corn
  • Dried Molasses

Mix each ingredient in a 1:1 ratio. Some bags range from 35-50 lbs. Never mind the weight. Simply mix in a 1:1 ratio. A grinder works best, but if you don’t have a grinder, mix in a bowl, cover with water, and let sour. Once sour place into sandwich-sized freezer bags and freeze. This will make for individual serving sizes.

Meme’s Worms (My Affiliate Link)

Damon, Chief Pencil Pusher, Black Warrior Lures